Kaktus’ Lobster Coda presale

Presale for Lobster coda has started // Forsala hafin á Lobster Coda

A Journey Of Iceland – From Darkness to Light

American writer Erin Boggs and Icelandic artist Einar Örn have collaborated on a multiple sensory [...]

Ghostigital bring us something

The hooligans in Ghostigital surprise everyone and release some shenigans with the new song laus [...]

The Smekkleysa Bar

We have expanded. We have added bar and coffee to our location in Hjartatorg. Now [...]

Mánakvöld / Jarðarberjatungl 22-06-2024

Laugardaginn 22. júni verður fullt tungl, svokallað Jarðaberjatungl og í tilefni þess höldum við Mánakvöld [...]

Events in Smekkleysa 27/5 – 31/5

The week in Smekkleysa Records shop Monday 27/5: HISS #09 // JESSICA (live) & DMNSZ [...]

Örn&Orn exhibition Spring is here

Once upon a time, Davíð Örn and Einar Örn were out walking. Not together. Einar [...]

Reggie Watts pop-up in Smekkleysa Record Shop

Reggie Watts hosts a pop-show in Smekkleysa Record Shop Monday 29th of April at 8pm [...]

Dagskrá // Programme // umbrot 01

Fimmtudagur 25.1  Thursday 16.00 – 17.30 – Pan Thorarensen (Dj Set)  18.00 – 18.30 – Samúel Jón [...]